Atom labels in shelxl.res style structured files can be changed interactively in a RENAME loop using PLUTON for the interactive display.

Renaming can be looped for global renaming or by clicking on individual atoms.

A RETURN keeps the label as is.

When a number is given in place of a substitute label, this number is concatenated with the current atom type.

Renamed atoms appear in green.

Temporary labels are generated when label conficts would occur (i.e. Renaming C10 into C1 when C1 already exists will automatically rename C1 into a free label e.g. C999).

The modified RES file in written out with the .new extension.

Alternatively, renaming can be invoked via the '-r' switch e.g. platon -r sucrose.res.

See also the AUTO-RENUM function.


30-Mar-2005 A.L.Spek